



The advantages and disadvantages of the e-tax system are discussed in the conversation. 

There are several advantages. For example, the processing time can be reduced. In fact, as a result of introducing the e-tax system, the processing time was reduced by 100,000 hours according to the national report. Moreover, the e-tax system saves the trouble of people going to the tax office.


On the other hand, senior citizens might face a challenge because they are not used to using computers and smartphones. Another disadvantage is that because more personal information is collected, the government has to strengthen online security. 

There are some advantages and disadvantages of the e-tax system. More things have to be done so that ordinary people can use it safely.








  • 内容(4/4)・・・e-tax システムの利点と欠点が明確に述べられています。具体的な例や統計データが使われており、議論が裏付けられています。
  • 構成(4/4)・・・はっきりとした導入、利点、欠点、そして最後の結論の段落という、論理的な構成があります。段落ごとに一貫したテーマが保たれています。
  • 文法(4/4)・・・文法的に正確な文章です。
  • 語彙(4/4)・・・適切な語彙が使われており、明確に伝えられています。
  • 総合(4/4)・・・文章は明確で論理的な構成を持ち、適切な語彙と例を用いてe-taxシステムの利点と欠点を十分に説明しています。





The conversation discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the e-tax system.


There are several benefits. For example, it can reduce processing time. In fact, the introduction of the e-tax system resulted in a reduction of processing time by 100,000 hours according to the national report. Additionally, the e-tax system alleviates the inconvenience of people having to visit the tax office.


On the other hand, senior citizens might encounter challenges because they are not accustomed to using computers and smartphones. Another drawback is that the increased collection of personal information necessitates the government to enhance online security.


In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to introducing the e-tax system. Further measures need to be taken to ensure that ordinary people can use it safely.

この赤字の部分があえて修正点を残した英文になります。1文目に関しては1文に接続詞を2つ入れ読みづらくさせている文で、2つ目の文は"more things"とややアカデミック感に欠ける語彙を用いていますので予想通り"further measures(さらなる対策)"と変更されています。"save the trouble of people going to the tax office"という表現も実際の試験では使わない表現かもしれません。一応、AIでその文が文法的、語彙的に正しい文か確認すると以下の返答がきました。

Yes, the sentence is both grammatically and colloquially correct. It is grammatically sound, with proper subject-verb agreement and sentence structure. Colloquially, it is clear and easily understandable, conveying the intended meaning effectively. Overall, there are no apparent issues with the grammar or colloquial usage in the sentence.





  • ①リーディングやリスニングの学習でアイディアや表現を学ぶ
  • ②そのアイディアや表現を覚えて英文を書く
  • ③間違えた文法や語法を確認し、次の英作文で同じ間違いをしない



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