




Ambulances are an essential in our daily life. Hundreds and thousands of lives are saved in Japan every year. This can be achieved partly because they can be used free of charge. However, the use of ambulances has been increasing year by year, and whether people should pay to use ambulances has been a subject of discussion. I agree with the notion from the viewpoints of operational costs and saving more lives.

First, it costs substantial amounts of money to use an ambulance. It is estimated that total costs at a time is more than 400 dollars, and the money comes from national budgets. That means each individual must shoulder the money every time they are used. If the budgets allocated for the medical service become scarce, lack of financial resources can deteriorate the service itself.

Second, as data shows, ambulances are overused, which makes it difficult to decide which case is serious and which case is not. According to the national report, the annual use of ambulances is about 6 million. However, in half of the cases, ambulances are used for non-emergency purposes, such as small injuries and sickness. In other words, the total use can be halved. Because the number of ambulances is limited, they should be used properly, and if they are used properly, more lives can be saved.

In conclusion, charging certain amounts of fees for ambulances can ease the burden on taxpayers and promote the proper use of ambulances, which might result in saving more lives.












この英作文は全体として文法的にはかなり正確です。ただし、細かい文法の誤りや自然さに欠ける表現がいくつかあります。例えば、「an essential in our daily life」は「an essential part of our daily lives」とする方が自然です。「lives are saved in Japan every year」の部分も、「are saved」より「have been saved」の方が過去の継続を示していて適切です。また、「each individual must shoulder the money」は少し不自然で、「each individual must bear the cost」の方が一般的な表現です。



使用されている語彙は適切で、特に専門的な内容を説明するための語彙は適切に使われています。ただし、「substantial amounts of money」や「total costs at a time」などの表現はもう少し簡潔に、「substantial costs」や「each use costs」などとするとより良かったかもしれません。「shoulder the money」も「bear the cost」と言い換えることで、より適切な語彙の選択になります。













Task Response(8/9)

The essay fully addresses the task, providing a clear opinion and discussing both sides of the argument about charging for ambulance services. The writer supports their arguments with examples and explanations. The conclusion effectively summarizes the writer's view. This meets the requirements for a high score in Task Response.


Coherence and Cohesion(8/9)

The essay is well-organized, with clear paragraphs each focused on a single idea. The use of linking words is effective, contributing to the overall coherence. There's a logical flow of ideas from the introduction, through the body paragraphs, to the conclusion. This demonstrates strong coherence and cohesion.


Lexical Resource(7/9)

The essay uses a range of vocabulary related to the topic, including terms specific to the subject (e.g., "operational costs," "taxpayers," "non-emergency purposes"). There are some attempts at less common vocabulary, although with minor inaccuracies ("shoulder the money" instead of "bear the cost"). These minor errors slightly limit the score.


Grammatical Range and Accuracy(8/9)

There is a wide range of sentence structures, and most sentences are error-free. The essay demonstrates a good control of complex grammar. However, the presence of minor errors and some unnatural phrases ("Hundreds and thousands of lives" could be more precisely stated) slightly impacts this score.



The essay is well-written, effectively addressing the prompt with clear arguments, good organization, varied vocabulary, and mostly accurate grammar. The minor issues with lexical choices and slight grammatical inaccuracies do not significantly detract from the overall quality of the essay.


This would round to an overall band score of 8. To improve further, focusing on refining lexical precision and avoiding any grammatical inaccuracies would be beneficial. Enhancing the range of vocabulary used, while ensuring accuracy, could also help in achieving a higher score, particularly in the Lexical Resource category


Chat GPT-4(有料版)で自身の英作文の点数を出すのは初めてでしたので少しドキドキしました。一か所、hundreds of thousands of livesをhundreds and thousands of livesと書いてしまいそこに関してはケアレスミスでしたが、それ以外は悩んで書いた部分が訂正の指摘が入っているという印象です。例えば"essential"の使い方、"shoulder"の使い方は訂正が入る可能性があるかもしれないと思いながら書いていました。一方で、"taxpayer"や"operational costs"はポジティヴなフィードバックが入ると思っていましたが、予想通りポジティヴなフィードバックが書かれていました。



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